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Event Recap

June 14, 2016

Moneyball for Head Start: Using Data and Evidence to Improve Outcomes
Event Recap

March 26, 2016

What Works In Federal Agencies: Celebrate Progress and the Release of RFA’s 2016 Federal Index
Event Recap

March 15, 2016

Building State and Local Capacity for Evidence-Based Policymaking: How can the Federal Government Help?
Event Recap

October 22, 2015

Results for America and America Forward host Capitol Hill briefing on How Federal Innovation Funds are Using Evidence and Evaluation to Improve Outcomes
Event Recap

September 24, 2015

Results for America and University of New Hampshire Host How Government Can Play Moneyball Panel Discussion
Event Recap

September 24, 2015

Results for America and Georgetown University Host How Government Can Play Moneyball To Transform U.S. Domestic Policy and U.S. Foreign Assistance
Event Recap

July 15, 2015

Results for America & The Forum for Youth Investment Host: Collective Impact for Children and Youth Policy Summit
Event Recap

March 11, 2015

Brookings Event: Data-Driven Government: A New Approach to Governing