Shifting Dollars Technical Assistance℠

Our Shifting Dollars Technical Assistance℠ helps governments drive public funds to solutions that deliver real, measurable improvements in people’s lives.


Governments spend over $2 trillion annually to accelerate economic mobility and open opportunities for all. But those investments don’t always achieve the results our nation needs. Results for America helps government decision makers, in collaboration with their communities, shift federal, state and local funds to higher-impact solutions that drive progress on economic mobility goals that matter most to communities.

With our Shifting Dollars Technical Assistance℠, leaders at every level of government can deliver better results and faster progress for residents.

What We Provide

  • Access to resources and trainings to help governments invest in what works.
  • Insights into how to build your government’s evidence and evaluation capacity.
  • Coaching on how to use budgets, grants and contracts, and direct services to shift dollars to evidence-based solutions.
  • Connections with experts and bipartisan leaders from across the country who are investing in what works.

How Are Governments Using this Technical Assistance?

  • They are setting clear definitions of “evidence-based” and “evidence-building” programs
  • They are prioritizing evidence in their budgets, grants, contracts and more.
  • They are improving their evaluation policies to build evidence of what works.
  • They are incorporating community input to ensure dollars go to what matters most to communities and the investments benefit all residents.
  • They are shifting billions of dollars at the federal, state and local level to evidence-based solutions.

Why Take a “Shifting Dollars” Approach?

In red states and blue states, residents benefit when more governments invest in solutions with a track record of success:

  • In Birmingham, Alabama, children are starting kindergarten with strong language skills because of the City’s investment in a proven early literacy program.
  • In Mississippi, third graders reading and math scores have soared because of a statewide commitment to evidence-based education reforms.
  • In Massachusetts, more community college students are graduating because of the state’s investment in wrap-around support services with a track record of success.
  • Results for America’s Economic Mobility Catalog features hundreds of evidence-based solutions that local governments have successfully implemented to improve residents’ lives.

How To Get Started

Email us at [email protected] to learn more. We will connect with you to share more about our resources and trainings. This technical assistance is pro bono, confidential and independent. We provide this assistance free of charge to bipartisan leaders and career civil servants at every level of government all across the country.

Check out more resources below:

“Results for America staff and tools were instrumental in influencing Nevada’s strategy, particularly helping Nevada Department of Education expand our ideas of what we could do to significantly increase our impact.”

Dep. Superintendent, Washoe County School District; former Nevada Dept. of Education Director of Student and School Supports