State Education Fellow
Heather Boughton
Director, Office of Research, Evaluation & Advanced Analytics, Ohio Department of Education
Heather Boughton is the Director of Research, Evaluation & Advanced Analytics at the Ohio Department of Education. In this role, Heather is responsible for assuring that the use of research, evaluation and advanced analytics are maximized in supporting the strategic directives for the agency. Her work includes coordinating the department’s research agenda, leading the agency-wide use of an evidence-based framework to support school improvement activities, and serving as a liaison between the department and a broad range of partners within the research community. Heather is a Harvard Fellow, having completed the Center for Education Policy Research’s Strategic Data Project (2014). She received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the Ohio State University (2009), her M.A. in Sociology from the University of Akron (2005), and her B.A. in Psychology from Miami University (2002).