Results for America is committed to working with our partners at every level of government to help them respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. On this resources page, we’ll be sharing the latest updates, including summaries of and links to new federal laws and legislation, federal agency guidance, state government resources, local government actions, as well as other tools and resources to help policymakers who are looking for evidence-based solutions to protect their most vulnerable residents.
American Rescue Plan (ARP)
American Rescue Plan
President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) on March 11, 2021. This $1.9 trillion economic recovery package includes $350 billion for local, state, and tribal governments. The ARP offers a historic opportunity for local, state, and tribal governments to invest in pandemic recovery efforts that will accelerate long-term economic mobility, close racial gaps and improve the way these governments make decisions over time.
The Biden Administration has signaled that it wants state and local governments to use all the tools available to make better decisions and maximize the impact from their $350 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds. The Administration has provided significant flexibility, as well as the guidance and tools necessary to invest in what works through ground-breaking executive orders, memorandum, interim guidance on fiscal recovery fund use, as well as compliance and reporting guidance. Tools such as data-systems that can provide disaggregated data and evidence-based intervention clearinghouses such as the Economic Mobility Catalog can help state and local policymakers invest their funds in a way that will create healthy, thriving, equitable communities.
Program State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) Interim Guidance: Data and Evidence Infrastructure Provisions
On May 10, 2021, the U.S. Treasury Department issued its Interim ARP Guidance for State and Local Government Fiscal Recovery Funds which specifically authorized local, state, and tribal governments to invest the $350 billion described above to build and strengthen their data and evidence infrastructures. Results for America (RFA) issued recommendations to the U.S. Treasury Department on March 22, 2021, including several which were ultimately included in Treasury’s May 10th interim guidance.
This guidance is exciting because it could help cities and states to make significant progress toward meeting the criteria in Results for America’s What Works Cities Certification and Invest in What Works State Standard of Excellence. This RFA Summary describes how.
Compliance and Reporting Guidance: Evidence-Based Solutions Provisions
The U.S. Treasury Department issued Compliance and Reporting Guidance on June 17th that reinforces the drive to maximize the impact of these investments using data and focusing on equity. It defines evidence of effectiveness for the first time in a federal recovery package and encourages local, state, and tribal governments to invest their $350 billion in ARP funds in evidence-based solutions. It also requires these governments to track outcomes on key investments that will advance economic mobility, such as evidence-based tutoring programs, sectoral job training programs, home visiting programs, and more. It promotes data-driven practices to get better results by:
- Requiring local, state and tribal governments to identify whether they are investing in evidence-based interventions and/or conducting rigorous evaluations of their projects;
- Defining evidence of effectiveness in a federal recovery package for the first time. The guidance encourages local, state, and tribal government leaders to invest their ARP funds in solutions backed by strong, moderate or preliminary evidence.
- Results for America’s Economic Mobility Catalog can help these leaders identify the most evidence-based economic mobility interventions in the country and understand how cities have recently implemented them.
- Encouraging community engagement and inclusion of diverse feedback from constituents, community based organizations, and the communities themselves in planning efforts;
- Promoting equitable outcomes by measuring progress for historically underserved groups;
- Encouraging the use of evidence clearinghouses and learning agendas, as well as disaggregated data;
- Building evidence by asking state and local governments focused on the same set of outcomes to participate in national evaluations; and
- Requiring output and outcomes measures, as well as reporting of data on the number of children and families benefiting from evidence-based tutoring programs, sectoral job training programs, home visiting programs, and more.
This evidence-based, results-driven guidance will support and incentivize state, local and tribal governments to improve the impact of their investment of $350 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds, while also improving their long-term decision making capacity.
RFA has identified 5 key provisions in the ARPA guidance that state and local governments should leverage to advance economic recovery, economic mobility, and racial equity by building the capacity for planning, data collection and analysis, policy development, and technology use, among others. This will enable leaders to better track results and build capacity to sustain outcomes over time. Results for America’s Economic Mobility Catalog provides examples of programs that state and local governments can invest in using ARPA dollars.
Results for America ARP Fact Sheets and Resources:
- American Rescue Plan Funding and Reporting Guidance Provisions Overview (June 2021)
- American Rescue Plan Stimulus Funding summary
- What Works Cities and local government ARP webinar
- Behavioral Health
- Early Childhood and Home Visiting
- Education (K12 and Higher Education)
- Housing
- Tax Credits, Cash, and Unemployment
- Small Business
- State and Local Fiscal Relief Funds
Federal Agency ARP Factsheets and Resources:
- U.S. Treasury Department Corona Virus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Resources
- Title by Title summary of American Rescue Plan
- Department of Agriculture Fact Sheet
- Department of Education American Rescue Plan Page
- Department of Health and Human Services Fact Sheet (insurance coverage)
- Department of Housing Fact Sheet
- Internal Revenue Service (employers tax credits for paid leave for COVID-19 vaccinations)
- Department of Treasury Fact Sheet
- Department of Transportation Fact Sheet
- Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program Page
Other COVID-19 Recovery Packages
American Jobs Plan
On April 12, 2021, the White House released state-by-state fact sheets on the proposed, urgent investments needed in each state that will be funded by the American Jobs Plan.
American Families Plan
On April 28, 2021, the White House released a fact sheet on the proposed American Families plan that makes an investment in our kids, our families, and our economic future, including evidence-based initiatives such as universal pre-K, home visiting, and higher-education student supports.
Past Federal Stimulus Packages:
- Federal COVID-19 Supplemental #1 (enacted on 3/6/20)
- Federal COVID-19 Supplemental #2 (enacted on 3/18/20)
- Federal COVID-19 Supplemental #3 (enacted on 3/27/20)
- Summary of Emergency Funding Provisions
- Summary of Unemployment Insurance and Tax Provisions
- Summary of Early Childhood, K-12 and Higher Education Provisions
- Summary of Small Business Loan Provisions
- Summary of Provisions Affecting Local Governments
- Summary and Estimated Allocation of Federal Funds for States
- Summary of Federal Funds for Cities
- Summary of Appropriations for Federal Research Agencies
- Congressional Research Service Table of Summaries of CARES Act Provisions
- Congressional Budget Office Summary
Federal Agency COVID-19 Resources
- U.S. Government Response to COVID-19 (Latest Federal Agency Updates)
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Education
- U.S. Department of Education Application for Waiver of ESSA Assessment and Accountability Requirements
- CDC Guidance for Schools and Childcare Programs
- U.S. Department of Education Guidance and Supplemental Fact Sheet on Serving Students with Disabilities During Coronavirus
- IES FAQs about COVID-19 and IES Grantees
- U.S. Department of Labor
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- U.S. Department of the Treasury
- The Federal Reserve
- U.S. Small Business Administration
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- FEMA Disaster Declarations
- FEMA’s answers to rumors and myths
- Corporation for National and Community Service
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- U.S. Department of Justice
- Federal Communications Commission
- Office of Personnel Management
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Census Bureau
- U.S. Election Assistance Commission
- U.S. Agency for International Development
- Federal Government Agency Acquisition Resources (compiled by the Defense Acquisition University)
White House Declarations, Guidance and Executive Orders
- National Emergency Declaration
- White House Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force & Guidelines
- Presidential Memorandum on Order Under the Defense Production Act Regarding General Motors Company
- Executive Order on Delegating Additional Authority Under the DPA with Respect to Health and Medical Resources to Respond to the Spread of COVID-19
- Executive Order to Order the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty
- Executive Order on Preventing Hoarding of Health and Medical Resources to Respond to the Spread of COVID-19
- OMB Guidance on Administrative Relief for Recipients of Federal Grants
- OMB Guidance on Minimizing Face-to-Face Interactions
State Government Resources
- National Governors Association: Coronavirus What You Need to Know
- National Conference of State Legislatures: Coronavirus Resources for the States
- Association of State and Territorial Health Officials: COVID-19 Resources
- Council of State Governments: COVID State Dashboard
- National Association of State Budget Officers: Coronavirus Resources
- National Association of State Workforce Agencies: State Workforce Agencies Respond to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Council of Chief State School Officers: Supporting States Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
- Chiefs for Change: Responding to the Coronavirus
- Education Commission of the States: State Policy Responses and Other Executive Actions
- Hunt Institute: COVID-19 Resources for Early Childhood, K-12 and Postsecondary Education
- Education Endowment Foundation and Evidence for Learning: COVID-19 Home-Supported Learning Global Evidence Review
- National Association of Secretaries of State: Election Emergencies & COVID-19
- National Association of State Chief Information Officers: COVID-19 Planning & Response Guidance
- Pew Charitable Trusts: State Action on Coronavirus Tracker
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities on State and Local Fiscal Relief
- Tax Foundation: State Legislative Responses
- Education Trust: COVID-19 Impact on Education Equity: Resources and Responses
- Education Trust: A P-12 Education Agenda in Response to COVID-19
Local Government Resources
- Results for America/What Works Cities: COVID-19: Local Government Response and Resource Bank
- National League of Cities and Bloomberg Philanthropies: COVID-19: Local Action Tracker
- U.S. Conference of Mayors: COVID-19 Updates
- National League of Cities: Coronavirus Response Resources for Local Leaders
- National Association of Counties: COVID-19 County Response Efforts and Priorities
- National Association of Workforce Boards: COVID-19 Resources
- Council of the Great City Schools Compiled List of Member Districts’ Coronavirus Responses and Resources
- National Association of City Transportation Officials and Bloomberg Philanthropies: COVID-19: Transportation Response Center
- International City/County Management Association: Coronavirus Crisis Response: Resources for Your Community
- Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL): COVID-19/Coronavirus Resources
- Government Finance Officers Association: Resource Center – Coronavirus Response
Nonprofit Resources
- National Council of Nonprofits Summary of CARES Act (Supplemental #3)
- Project Evident: COVID-19 Resources
- Chronicle of Philanthropy: Resources for Nonprofits
- Council on Foundations: External Resources for Responding to COVID-19 and Response Funds and Funding Opportunities
- Bridgespan – Nonprofits, Funders and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis
- Giving Compass and National Center for Family Philanthropy: Coronavirus and COVID-19 Funds
- Independent Sector – How to Apply for CARES Act Nonprofit Relief Funds Navigating the CARES Act webinar
- Leap Ambassadors COVID-19 Resources
Additional Resources
- Johns Hopkins (CSSE) Global COVID-19 map
- University of Pennsylvania COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics (CHIME) tool to help hospitals predict patient increases/flows
- U.S. Digital Response for COVID-19: Data, digital and operations volunteers available to assist state and local governments
- Urban Institute: COVID-19: Policies to Protect People and Communities
- Data Coalition: Open Letter to Congress regarding COVID-19 and What the CARES Act Means for Evidence-based Policymaking
- Nurse-Family Partnership: Covid-19 Public Policy Update
- American Youth Policy Forum: COVID-19 Tools and Resources for Traditionally Underserved Youth
- Princeton University Eviction Lab: COVID-19 Housing Scorecard
- Open Government Partnership: Emergency Procurement for COVID-19: Buying Fast, Open and Smart
- Fines & Fees Justice Center: COVID-19 Crisis: Policy Recommendations and Policy Tracker
- Centre for Public Impact/OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation: COVID-19 Government Solutions Open Repository
- The Behavioral Insights Team (BIT): Key takeaways on public health information posters to improve handwashing, and text messages to protect vulnerable residents.
- Veterans Education Success: What Military-Connected Students Need to Know During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Project Evident: What the Federal Government Can Do to Address the Unprecedented Education Crisis Caused by Coronavirus
- Amazon public data lake for analysis of COVID-19 data
- PDK International: COVID-19 Resources
- Chiefs for Change: Schools and COVID-19: How Districts and State Education Systems are Responding to the Pandemic
- PEW: Where to Search for Evidence of Effective Programs
Media Resources
- New York Times: COVID-19 live updates
- Washington Post: Coronavirus live updates
- Axios: Coronavirus News Dashboard
- Solutions Journalism Network: COVID-19 Solutions Stories Tracker
- Governing: Coronavirus Response Resources Guide for Government Leaders
- Smart Cities Dive COVID-19 U.S. Cities Impact Tracker
- Route Fifty: COVID-19 Updates for State and Local Government and “Crowdsourcing to Fight a Pandemic”
- GovTech: A Resources Guide for Local Government Leaders
- Education Week: School Closures Map
- Data-Smart City Solutions: Mapping Coronavirus Around the Globe
Results for America will be updating these resources regularly. We encourage you to send our team additional resources and leading or promising practices and policies that you and/or others in federal, state and local government have developed that could help other policymakers respond to this crisis.
The information above has been updated as of June 21, 2021: